Friday, November 28, 2008

Tummy Crummies and Flu Vaccines

We talked to Ethan and Ryan last month about getting flu shots, and Ethan said he definitely wanted one. Ryan wasn't so sure. We called the pediatrician and were told that they were currently out of doses, but would have more available this month.

In the meantime, Ethan got a horrible stomach virus. He starting vomiting Sunday night and felt crappy into Monday. I started throwing up on Tuesday and still don't feel completely well. Esther got sick on Wednesday and is still under the weather. Ryan threw up once on Wednesday, laid down for about 10 minutes, then leapt up ready to play. Jeanne has, so far, managed not to get sick at all.

All this was not the best lead in to today which was flu shot day for Ethan and Ryan. Ethan was a bit nervous about the whole thing, and Ryan said he wasn't going to get one at all. That was fine. We told them that it was up to them, and they could change their minds right up until we left the doctor's office. When we arrived at the office, the nurse told us that instead of a shot, the guys could get the nasal version. Ethan said he'd take that happily. Ryan said, "I'm getting the shot. I like pain." The nurse dosed Ethan and then drew up Ryan's shot. She wiped his arm with the alcohol and unsheathed the needle. Ryan said, "Never mind. I'll take the nose kind." I was really glad that the whole experience was pain free.

At dinner tonight, we were all talking about our days. Ethan said he got the "nose shot" and that it was "really great." Ryan said, "I had to get the flu nose shot. My boss said all spies need to get one every year. Next year I have to get another one or I can't work anymore."

I have no idea when he decided that being a spy meant getting a flu vaccine. That just goes to show you who is the real spy guy around here.

1 comment:

Harvest Moon Farm said...

Ew, hope you guys are all feeling better by now! It stinks when the entire family gets sick.