Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rainbow Boys

I was watering the garden today while Ethan and Ryan jumped on the trampoline. "You can't spray us Ba!" they yelled. I pretended not to hear them and continued watering.

They yelled some more and I turned innocently asking "What are you saying?" I "accidentally" sprayed them. This became a wonderful game. As I sprayed Ethan across the trampoline, I noticed a rainbow in the spray. It arched gracefully across both Ryan and Ethan. I wanted to grab the camera and get a picture of it, but there was no way to use the camera and the hose without interrupting our game. I love that my guys were playing in a rainbow today. They didn't even notice, but that made it all the more perfect.


Frogcreek said...

Rainbows are cool! But so is water, and trampolines, and playful parents...

Renee Cabatic said...

Love this post,your blog, all of you in your joyful life!