Friday, May 9, 2008

Tonight 12 Boys, Still Only 3 Mommies

It's Ethan's birthday weekend and the first part of his birthday is a sleepover party. We told him he could have a total of 4 friends so naturally we have 12 boys including Ethan and Ryan. It's great. They ate pizza and cupcakes, jumped on the trampoline in the rain, played with their DS's, and giggled insanely.

12 boys and 1 girl. Anne (our next door neighbor) came over for the pizza and cupcakes.

After that they watched a movie (Purple People Eater: 1980s, B-grade, fabulous. Go thou and watch it.) and ate popcorn.
Of course you can't just watch a movie. You need to play with your DS while you watch the movie.

Some quotes:

Ba (noticing that Doran is wearing a t-shirt advertising the members of a family not his own): Doran, where did that shirt come from?
Doran: My house.

Anne: There are 12 boys here?! I will count them. (She goes to the living room doorway.) 1-2-3-4-5- 1-2-3- They are hard to count when they are moving.

Ken (Coming in to drop off Beckett and Sawyer): How many boys are here?
Ba: 12
Ken: You can smell the testosterone.

Now the boys are all in beds, and sleeping bags, and on couches. They have their blankets and stuffed animals. They are whispering frantically to each other: "Shh." "Go to sleep." "You go to sleep." "I can't while you're talking." "Shh!" "You shh!" "Move over." "Get off the blanket." "It's my blanket." "Is not." *Hard tug on blanket* "Oh, it is." "Move your foot." "That's not my foot." "It's my foot." "Well move it." "OK." "OK." "OK." *Maniacal laughter* in chorus: "OK-OK-OK-OK" *Laughter* "Shh will you!" "Right." "OK." *Groans* "Not again."

This is the life. I can't imagine a better way to spend a Friday night.


Frogcreek said...

That is Fabulous! What a great time indeed. Good times, good times! I really need to get the cookies to you, aak. Can I drop them off? or something?

Three Mommies said...

Drop them off would be great or I can pick them up. I'm out of town this weekend (16 through 19 May) but around for the rest of the month. I have cash. You have cookies. Let's swap :)

ChristineMM said...

Wow you are brave to have that big sleepover party.

My son also turned 8 recently and wanted a sleepover. I said limited to 2 kids. That has caused a challenge so the friend party has yet to happen. We did the family party and we did the private us party that was on his actual b-day.

Wow, all those boys...