Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Swords and Looms

Today we made swords from PVC pipes, foam insulation, and colored duct tape and/or making portable tapestry looms using wood, screws, and wing nuts. We had 15 kids and 6 mommies (including us and our guys) play, eat, make things, and have fun.

Sawyer and Beckett opted for the basic silver duct tape.

Silver was popular. Chloe, Tessa, and Teo all chose that. Deva went with full-on color.

We did get the adults to participate. Stephanie and Peg had never used power tools before.

Esther showed Peg how to use a saw and the drill! Stephanie learned, too, but I didn't get a photo.

I think Peg likes her loom. Karen has screws and wing nuts. She has a loom, too, if all the holes will ever line up.

Stephanie made a loom, too. She said it's picture perfect.

Ethan and Ryan and the other kids somehow managed to avoid having their photos taken. I'm not sure exactly how that happened. We'll have to photos of them when they take their swords out to battle.

1 comment:

Frogcreek said...

Looks like an awesome day! Swords and Looms! Maybe you could weave up some sheilds and battle gear! I am going to try hard to get to the bead show. -K