Thursday, April 17, 2008

Boys' Group

We got to spend the entire glorious sunny afternoon with our friends from northern and eastern Connecticut. Shelley and Lori each have two wonderful boys whose ages just happen to coincide perfectly with our guys. We went to Addison Park and then for a walk in, well actually, I have no idea what the name of the nature preserve was where we went after that, but it was great. Ethan and Ryan had a blast. Ethan taught the other boys his version of rock paper scissors in which you can say any noun after you say shoot and then you figure out who wins. This means that if I say the conventional scissor and Ethan says human, he wins because humans can use scissors. On the other hand, if I say the conventional rock and he says computer, I win because rock smashes computer. All the boys thought this game was big fun. They threw sticks in the water, ran ahead of the mommies, and climbed piles of dirt. Life is good when it's warm out and I don't have to say no or stop.

Here are some photos I took of the day:

I have other photos, but that's all blogger will let me upload. Shelley, Lori, if you want the others, I'll get them to you.

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